[Graphics]: The mouse was well drawn and nicely animated.
On the trap you could have added a little more detail, like rust or more shadowing. Overall the graphics reminded me of some old fashion cartoon. Your use of colors as to the preloaded and background were well fitted also.
[Style]: The style graphic wise was decent and it could be compared, as I said earlier, to a classic cartoon, nothing seriously professional and mouth dropping, just some regular animation and art that is nice to like at. If this was supposed to be funny, your style of humor could be considered sort of a slap stick comedy( Were the character gets hit around, bit, beaten, or in this case caught in a trap with out getting killed or injured).
[Sound]: Yet again, the music could be compared to an old-cartoon, say around late '50s or early '60s. It made it feel sort of like a Tom and Jerry cartoon. The music was definitely a plus for this movie, which I thought gave it more entertainment and classical value.
[Interactivity]: It has a play loader that has a color scheme similar to that of the background of the movie, which is nice.
The play button; however is something I see everyday.
Something more original like a piece of cheese and when it’s fully loaded there is this little bite taken from it.
[Humor]: I didn't find it funny, but yet more enjoyable because of its old fashioned like sense of humor.
[Violence] It had cartoon like violence, nothing bloody or gory like.
Over it was short and sweet and a nice addition to the portal.